Musicians from Burkina Faso, Mali, Pakistan and Peru can submit songs highlighting the issue of child labour in the context of the ILO's CLEAR Cotton Project. The CLEAR Cotton project, co-funded by the European Union, works towards the elimination of child labour and forced labour in the cotton, textile and garment value chains, combating child labour in the four targeted countries.

There is a high incidence of child labour in the cotton, textile and garment supply chains and cases of forced labour have also been identified. Because child labour and forced labour are deeply embedded and hidden in the supply chain, the problem is often “out of sight”. Depending on the context, children might be involved in land preparation, crop protection; ginning; weeding; irrigation; hybridization; manual harvesting; weaving; cottonseed oil production. Indicators of forced labour include bonded labour, withholding wages, restriction of movement, excessive overtime, abusive working and living conditions involving adolescent labour..
Many children engaged in cotton related activities work long hours and
receive little or no pay. Children may also manipulate harmful pesticides
and work in isolation, in extreme temperatures, without sufficient food and rest
and in conditions that can seriously harm their physical and psychological
development. Often this work is at the expense of their education.
Cotton is one of the most common commodities
produced with child labour and forced labour
in at least 18 countries.

Initiated in Burkina Faso by the musician Patrick Kabré, ATELIER SILMANDÉ is an artistic education project in favour of equal access to culture for all young people. Supported by the association Arts Solidaires, this pedagogical program integrates artistic and cultural expressions at the heart of the development process.
Through the setting up of workshops and cultural mediation actions, notably based on artistic transmission, creation and practice, ATELIER SILMANDÉ strives to promote inclusive quality education.

L'Ecole de musique de Kirina offers a dynamic music and dance program to 200 students. Kirina is a Griot village that holds 70 generations of musical and cultural heritage. The Griots play an essential role in Malian culture; they are the keepers of oral history and traditions, passing them on through music and poetry. Kirina has been preserving its unique musical and cultural heritage for more than 700 years and the school helps the people of Kirina preserve and share their cultural heritage and musical traditions.

The Little Art is a non-profit arts education organization, promoting positive social values through arts among children and young people. The Little Art organizes the Lahore International Children’s Film Festival and Children’s Performing Arts Festival and uses artistic workshops to teach children and young adults to recognize and challenge the social issues in their community. In the framework of the competition, it works in partnership with Rearts and the Alahmra Centre of Culture & Arts.

SIMCCAP (Sindicato de Músicos Compositores y Cantantes del Perú) is the Union of Musicians, Composers and Singers of Peru. It represents and supports professional and amateur artists of all musical genres, exercising their profession as musicians without distinction of sex, race, nationality, political or religious ideology. SIMCCAP promotes the full recognition and rights of musicians, their free regional and international mobility, and their freedom of artistic expression. SIMCCAP is a member of the International Federation of Musicians (FIM).