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Kids United launch their new single, “Take a Stand” for Universal Children's Day

In observance of Universal Children's Day, French youth music group Kids United have launched their new song, “Take a Stand”.

With this new single the group lends their voice to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) campaign to end child labour. The song calls upon governments, organisations and people from all walks of life to do more to "Take a Stand". "We were very happy to shoot this video and we dedicate it to the UN International Year for the elimination of Child Labour" says Nathan Laface in a behind the scenes interview. "We hope with all our hearts that it will touch you as much as it touched us when making it." adds Ilyana Raho-Moussa.

While all 187 ILO member States have ratified against child labour, there is still much work that needs to be done. According to latest figures,152M children are still engaged in child labour. "We see this as an important opportunity to build momentum around the universal ratification of ILO Convention No.182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour and to promote the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour 2021." says Jane Columbini, Advocacy Officer at the International Labour Organisation.

The international community says #NoChildLabour by 2025. Artists around the world are

joining this call, singing for #NoChildLabour and empowering children through music education. Isn't it time you join them?

To find out more about The Music Against Child Labour Initiative and get involved, email us at:


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