Conservatory of music "Luigi Canepa" - Statement of support to the "Music against Child Labour" Initiative
It seems unbelievable that in 2015 it is still necessary to denounce denied childhoods- millions of young lives robbed of carefree days, of the chance to play or to go to school. They are exploited for the profit of a few. The fact is, child labour affects millions of children- too many for us to turn a blind eye and look the other way when we are called to decry this terrible reality and ensure that children everywhere are afforded the same opportunities.

The Conservatory of Sassari has already lent its musical support in defense of this fundamental human right in the recent past. This year, in full harmony with its message, it has decided to undersign the Manifesto Music against child labour in support of the International Labour Organization’s efforts to eradicate this practice. We share the conviction that music can be an instrument of peace and freedom with the power to stimulate people’s consciences and favor the coming together of different cultures for a unified purpose: ensuring all children have the freedom that too many currently can only dream of. I also believe that, as an institution dedicated to training young people, the Conservatory has the duty to not only shape good musicians, but also educate citizens with a civil conscience. For this reason, it is my hope that other conservatories will follow our example and support ILO’s efforts through our shared language: Music.
Antonio Ligios Director, Sassari’s Luigi Canepa Music Conservatory